I contracted Elizabeth E. Brait in 2005 to prepare and present a presentation on the International Use of Smokeless Tobacco and Other Smokeless Tobacco Products for an international conference in Badajoz, Spain, and for the Master en Tabaquismo (Magister on Tobacco Control and Tobacco Dependence Management) (University of Cantrabia). Elizabeth was responsible for 1) Elaborating and presenting this project for Sociedad Española de Especialistas en Tabaquismo (SEDET) in Badajoz, Spain; 2) Giving classes in our Master Program; y 3) She also acted as a consultant offering useful advice about advocacy methods and activities used by countries and American states who had a more comprehensive tobacco control law than we had in Spain. She was responsible for all the preparation of this project with little guidance, and for the most part worked independently. She is also capable of collaborate with others. There were times when we collaborated to discuss changes that were necessary and together we resolved any issues. In addition to the above mentioned, I can confirm that Elizabeth: – Is a person with a strong capacity to read and understand scientific literature for the purposes of reviewing and preparing projects for classes and for conference presentations. – She has experience reading project calls (grants) and is familiar with following the call outlines in order to prepare a project for grant support. – Elizabeth is an honest person and with a strong interest in working in the areas of social problems and public health. In summary, I highly recommend Elizabeth — I believe that she would be a great contribution to your team. She is a person who is clearly dedicated to seeing a reduction of tobacco consumption. Her background has enabled her to have a variety of skills that would be useful for a multitude of projects.